Important Updates

  • new! Please fill out the Online Booking Patient Satisfaction Survey. We are the last clinic (“Yonge Davisville Health Clinic”) for question #1.

  • Dr Stables is on leave from February 3 until June, 2025. Dr Gajanee Sivapatham will be covering her while she is away, working the same hours with the same booking schedule used by Dr Stables. Her patients may book on-line as usual - please select Dr Sivapatham when booking.

  • Please remember that we are charging for all prescriptions requested without an appointment. To help their patients avoid this charge, all doctors have introduced quick 5 minute telephone appointment slots at the end of their days. Please manage your medications appropriately so you have adequate time to schedule an appointment.

  • Our online booking portal is now open! You can book various types of appointments, upload any requested documents, as well as cancel your appointments.

  • We are now using a new, secure platform to communicate with patients. When your physician e-mails you, you will receive it from If you are not seeing an expected e-mail, please check your spam folder and keep out e-mails from the address above. Please do not use our previous gmail clinic email anymore, as that inbox is not being monitored, as per the auto-response that has been in place for the past few months.

Welcome to the Yonge Davisville Health Clinic!

We are Drs. Stables, Phillips and Liu, and we are part of the Otter Creek Family Health Organization.

On this site you will find clinic updates, information about each physician’s clinic hours, how to make appointments, non-OHIP covered (“uninsured”) services, and After-Hour Clinic (“AHC”) information. These pages can be accessed via the navigation above, as well as quick links below: